How hot should our hot tubs be and is it important to lower the temperature after use or if you go away?
Hot tub temperature
The temperature we choose largely depends on your personal preference and who is going to use it.
We find the majority of our users find 38 – 40 degrees Celsius is an ideal range, depending on what the outdoor weather is doing.
Many hot tub users want their spas to be as energy efficient as possible. Lowering the temperature after each use and increasing it just before use is not recommended. This puts extra pressure on your spas system and can limit the life of the heater element and other parts of the tub. It is advisable to set your hot tub on an eco setting.
If your spa and lid are in good working order, you will not save a lot of energy by turning the tub down unless you are going to be away for an extended holiday vacation. If you find your tub is in poor condition and needing a new hot tub lid, replacing it immediately will save you money in the long run. It keeps the heat in and protects it from the elements.
If you are using the hot tub in the summer, it maybe worth reading our Hot Tubbing in Hot Weather blog, you can actually use your hot tub in the summer months to cool you from the sun.
With any advice, if you are pregnant, or have any health condition such as diabetes, heart disease, or other conditions that should prevent you from using a hot tub, it is advisable to initially consult your GP.
If you are looking to keep your children occupied, then read our blog “Keeping Children Occupied this Summer” for some useful tips.
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